Street Children Benefit from Free Medical Camp

Street Children Benefit from Free Medical Camp
Street Children Benefit from Free Medical Camp

Street Children Benefit from Free Medical Camp

Hundreds of street children have got benefit from a free medical camp organized by various NGOs at Buganda road sports ground.

The event was organized by The medical Concierge group-TMCG, an NGO venturing into innovative health care services, Life Line Ministries, and Abaana Ministries.

Davis Musinguzi, the director of TMCG told local media that they thought of the campaign because there is a gap in health care and much worse among street children.

He said that street children are the most exposed to diseases and infections and yet they are the least cared about.

The assistant programs manager Life Line Ministries Ruth Aine also said that the street kids are neglected and some die of curable diseases, while the ones that are HIV Positive lack proper treatment.

Street Children Benefit from Free Medical Camp
The Medical Concierge Group

The children got services that included HIV testing and counseling, dental checkups, simple surgeries, and general checkups.

According to Dr. John Mark Bwanika, the children will also get long-term care in case there are some that need major surgeries.

The children described the event as very fruitful saying that they have suffered from illnesses and have lacked medical care because they do not have money.

Eddie Mukisa, one of the street children said that he has had chest pain for almost a year and hopes that this event can help him identify the problem and give him treatment.

Another kid, Atiku Ivan is grateful for last year’s medical camp for getting him off the streets.

He said he was lucky to be among the 10 children that LifeLine Ministries gave shelter at the Calvary chapel.

Ivan now goes to school and is in primary Five at Nkumba Christian School. Bwanika said the camp cost about 20 million shillings which were offered by different organizations and well-wishers.

The function had 15 doctors, 50 medical students, four dentists, 10 dental students, and three pharmacists. About 400 children attended the event.

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