Public Health

Public Health – The Medical Concierge Group Africa

USAID HIWA TMCG uses a call center-led mHealth (voice and SMS) approach to provide easy access and coordination to public health services aimed at improving the health of the beneficiaries.

These include; the Uganda Police Force, Private Security Guards, Uganda Wildlife Authority staff, and staff in selected hotels.

The project provides a toll-free phone line to the beneficiaries to call in and consult with a doctor at any time at no cost on their part.

This project aims at a reduction in the incidence of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases as well as improved quality of care for those infected and affected.

Currently, it is implemented in 102 districts of Uganda by World Vision in partnership with The Medical Concierge Group (TMCG) as the lead mHealth organization.

Public Health - The Medical Concierge Group Africa
Public Health – The Medical Concierge Group Africa

USAID RHITES North Lango The Medical Concierge Group as part of a consortium including AMREF, CUAMM, Another Option led by John Snow Inc was awarded a 5-year USAID funded project. The Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services (RHITES)-North, Lango Region (RNL).

The RNL project aims to attain high impact, evidence-based HIV, TB, malaria, nutrition, Maternal, and Child Health, and WASH outcomes. It operates in 9 districts located in the Lango sub-region of Northern Uganda.

The districts covered include Lira, Dokolo, Apac, Amolatar, Oyam, Otuke, Kole, Kwania. TMCG’s role is to design, develop and deploy mobile health (mHealth) technologies to strengthen health systems and improve health outcomes.

UNICEF FamilyConnect Through UNICEF and Public Health Enabled, The Medical Concierge Group developed a web app for interoperability between UgandaEMR, the electronic repository for HIV patient records, with FamilyConnect, a rapidpro SMS messaging service that delivers automated reminders to HIV patients to attend appointments and adhere to Antiretroviral Therapy.

This is rolled out countrywide in Uganda to strengthen the attainment of the 95% UNAIDS goal among patients.

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