Pediatric HIV/AIDS Mobile Application and E-learning platform

Pediatric HIV/AIDS Mobile Application and E-learning platform

Pediatric HIV/AIDS Mobile Application and E-learning platform. Through a partnership with TMCG and The African Network for Care of Children Affected by HIV/AIDS (ANECCA), developed an iOS and Android mobile application and digital clinical mentorship toolkit.

The project is targeted at medical doctors, nurses, as well as clinical officers and is contributing to the knowledge acquisition across all cadres of health providers.

This eLearning app platform is currently being used to conduct training, coaching, mentorship, and technical support supervision to address knowledge, skills gaps and improve the support services Building robust healthcare enterprise platforms requires a solid understanding and appreciation of the healthcare industry needs and what appropriate technological innovations are suited to bring a solution.

Pediatric HIV/AIDS Mobile Application and E-learning platform
Pediatric HIV/AIDS Mobile Application and E-learning platform

These include mobile health applications (iOS/Android), call center software (Asterisk, RapidPro, CasePro), population health monitoring platforms (DHIS2), an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) platforms (OpenMRS).

There is evidence that patient-centered and appropriate adaptation of technology improves the efficiency of the delivery of healthcare and accelerates the achievement of patient care and public health goals.

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