May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May 2021 is Mental Health Awareness Month

May 2021 is Mental Health Awareness Month. The World Health Organization defines mental health as “the state of wellbeing in which the individual realizes his/her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life and can work productively and fruitfully to make a contribution to the community”.

Social distancing and movement restriction measures instituted to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) by the Ministry of Health have reduced access to social support, family, and friends.

In addition, they demean normal social support systems and cause loneliness, a risk for worsening anxiety and depressive symptoms.

It is an important time to reflect on one’s mental health especially during this COVID-19 pandemic where access to mental support may not be possible due to the lockdown. Here are 5 health practices to keep you going post lockdown.

May 2021 is Mental Health Awareness Month
May 2021 is Mental Health Awareness Month
  1. Get enough sleep- lack of enough sleep will cause mental breakdown and tiredness. Always aim to sleep for at least 8 hrs.
  2. Exercise- simple home-based exercises like rope skipping, push-ups, squats, etc will help calm your nerves and reduce stress.
  3. Eat a well-balanced diet- Make sure that you balance out your meals well with fewer calories and fats and always including fruits and vegetables.
  4. Avoid poor “coping” habits like excessive alcohol, smoking, or use of ‘feel good’ drugs.
  5. Rationalize your time on social media by adding electronic-free time to your daily routine. You could use that time for meditation, reading a book, or taking a walk.

If you need to speak to our doctors, you can send an SMS with the word ‘CARE’ to 8080 and follow the prompts or order for a consultation from the e-shop.

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